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Qubic Rube

Challenge Link: Qubic_Rube

Category: programming

Writeup: Qubic Rube

Please continue to solve Rubic's Cube and read QR code.


This challenge is really a "programming challenge". Orz

This site give you a Rubik's Cube like the photo below, you should solve it and scan the QRcode. Then, you will get a link to the next Rubik's Cube......

Be careful: The URLs are not always the same color

  1. download all six images and split each one to nine parts.
  2. categorized depend on the background color.
  3. there are four possible pieces at same place because of rotation.
  4. try every possible QRcode brutally to find the right one.
11 : (255, 213, 0)
SECCON 2017 Online CTF                                   
11 : (196, 30, 58)
Qubic Rube                                               
11 : (255, 88, 0)
Next URL is:                                             
11 : (255, 255, 255)
Have fun!                                                
11 : (0, 81, 186)
No. 11 / 50                                              
11 : (0, 158, 96)
find at color (0, 158, 96)
12 : (255, 213, 0)
No. 12 / 50                                              
12 : (196, 30, 58)
Next URL is:                                             
12 : (255, 88, 0)
Qubic Rube                                               
12 : (255, 255, 255)
find at color (255, 255, 255)
13 : (255, 213, 0)
Next URL is:
